The Folk Song Society of Greater Boston

Midweek Sings


The Midweek Singers perform at the annual Members' Concert

Midweek sings are small singing parties held in the middle of the week to give us a break from the "daily grind." The sings are held at different people's homes around the Boston area, and generally run until 10:30 or 11pm. The starting time is usually 7:30pm (6:30pm if there's a potluck that night), but may vary. We usually go around the circle and give each person a turn to request, perform or lead a song. The group ranges in size from 6 to 20 or more, with a wide range of musical abilities.

For more information, or if you would like to host a midweek sing, please send email to Chris Farrow-Noble at midweeks at fssgb dot org.

Midweek Singing Schedule

*** FEBRUARY ***

Wed., Feb. 28, 2007 (7-10pm)
Cindy Primett, Waltham
cprimett at jhancock dot com

*** MARCH ***

Wed., March 7, 2007 (7:45pm)
Rochelle Steinberg, Lexington
rochelle at fssgb dot org

Wed., March 14, 2007
Sallie & Bill Satterthwaite, Concord
salliesatt at comcast dot net

Wed., March 21, 2007 (7:30pm)
Dan Duryea & Elaine Maclachlan, Arlington
DanDuryea at aol dot com

Wed., March 28, 2007 (6:30pm)
potluck & singing
Chris Farrow-Noble & Chris Noble, Cambridge
chris.farrow at verizon dot net

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