The Folk Song Society of Greater Boston

Community Page

All FSSGB members are welcome to submit items of general interest to our membership (preferably music-related, but not necessarily.) Official guidelines as to what's acceptable for publication have not yet been determined, so for now we're going on a case-by-case basis. To submit items for inclusion on this page, email them to community at

Events featuring or of interest to FSSGB Members

None listed at the moment.

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News about or of interest to FSSGB Members

None listed at the moment.

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Classified Ads
Crucianelli accordions

Selling for family member who is no longer able to enjoy them. I've heard them in years past, but can't judge condition - please have a play! Both with original cases. Asking $1000 the pair, or swap toward a decent English concertina. (I miss my long-gone Edeophone, and would pay the accordion owner myself.)

Thanks very much!

Alaric theobroma at


Saltarelle Connemara III, like new. Belonged to my late husband who played for morris dance sides. D/G. $2,600 new - selling for $1,500, includes carrying case.

Please contact Cathy Abraham at cath.abraham at


Five string banjo with resonator. Head, neck, and body is in good condition. Needs restringing. Hasn't been played in a while . Brand and model unknown. $500.00. Please contact Carole or David Presberg at shepdog at or phone 978-649-4348. More photos at

Banjo for sale
Piano for sale

Vose full size upright piano. We found this piano, painted black and non-functional in a barn about 20 years ago and immediately recognized its name and beautiful carved decoration. We had it completely restored, so that it was both a handsome piece of furniture and a lovely working piano. It has not been tuned or played regularly since then, but has remarkedly held its tuning despite following us through two moves. It is in good condition and has a full and bright sound. $2,000. Please contact Carole or David Presberg at shepdog at or phone 978-649-4348. More photos at


I am moving and must sell my Appalachian-made classic dulcimer - beautiful light-colored wood.
All reasonable offers will be considered.
Linda Chernick, Linda_Chernick at

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Lessons and other Services
Fishken & Groves offer Performance Skills training for all levels of performers. Classes (six sessions) are conducted on weekend afternoons. Private training by arrangement. Details about our teaching, and endorsements, are at Contact: fishken at, or 978-692-0350.

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Suggested recipes for potlucks!
Phyllo-Wrapped Brie with Apricot and Rosemary Chutney (contributed by Judith Becker, MD)
Roasted Vegetables (contributed by Nancy Crowther)

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