Born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Tom Lewis knows the sea from the bottomup! This ex-submariner with an incredibly powerful voice and a wonderfulsense of humor will delight you with his songs and tales of the sea. Hisrepertoire ranges from powerfully moving to uproariously funny, and he sweepshis audiences into chorusing along with him. Tom is a fine songwriter whoeffectively mixes his nautical songs with classics from the seafaringtradition. He's been a frequent favorite at the Mystic Seaport Sea MusicFestival. Be ready to sing with gusto!
The Folk Song Society is co-sponsoring this special concert with Blanchard'sTavern -- a colonial tavern/museum in Avon that should be a perfect settingfor Tom. He'll do a concert (with intermission) upstairs and then take partin a jam session downstairs in the tavern. Refreshments are available, butthe tavern itself is a real treat for history buffs. Come in colonialcostume if you feel so inclined.
Directions: From Rte. 128, take Rte. 24 south to the Avon exit (19A). Follow this road to the end. At the last set of traffic lights, go leftonto Rte. 28. Approximately 1 mile ahead, you will see Blanchard's Tavern onthe right, a large white building with blue shutters. In front of the Tavernis a blue sign with William Shakespeare's picture on it. There is a brickchurch across from the Tavern (St. Michael's).