Singing Parties

Annual Election and Singing Party

Saturday, June 21, 2025 – 1-4pm

At the home of Lori Fassman, Acton (email for address and directions)

Everyone is welcome to the annual singing party! (The election only takes a few minutes at the very start, so don’t let that scare you away.) All FSSGB members are welcome to vote for the proposed Board of Directors (which remains unchanged from last year.)

There’ll be copies of Rise Up Singing! and the sequel, Rise Again, to borrow or purchase (at a discounted price) or come prepared to lead a song from memory, or just sing along or listen. Folky instruments are welcome.

Feel free (but not obliged) to bring snacks for the snack table!

Daytime Music Parties

FSSGB offers daytime music parties to sing, play accompaniment, socialize and have fun making music with others at private homes or other locations in eastern Massachusetts. Daytime Music Parties are hosted two Fridays a month from 11:30am until roughly 2:30pm (scheduled to help those who travel avoid heavy traffic and nighttime driving.)

Attendees kick off singing parties forming a circle spaced for comfort and for the participants to see, and hear each other easily which facilitates tighter more in sync rewarding music. Working around the circle all attendees are guaranteed an equal opportunity to select and lead a tune, or request someone else to lead their tune or pass to next in queue.

Upcoming dates (these are all Fridays at 11:30am – 2:30pm, in Malden unless otherwise noted):

  • Jan 10 & 24
  • Feb 7 & 21
  • Mar 7 & 21
  • Apr 4 & 18
  • May 2 & 16
  • June 13 & 27

Acoustic instruments are preferred, however instruments requiring amplification are welcome if played at a low volume through a small practice amp so as not to overpower the singing. Instrumentalists must be experienced enough to accompany the singing, correctly tuned in concert pitch, using the key, chords, and tempo as written in the book or decided by the musicians.

We work from the “Rise Up Singing” and “Rise Again” books (available to borrow on site if needed) or from personal favorites that are not in our books. (Attendees choosing tunes that aren’t in our books should provide a few copies to share.) Lyrics for most tunes can also be found using smartphones.

Folks planning to attend are asked to please RSVP at the earliest to help our hosts plan. Those providing contact information to our coordinator will receive music party invitations a week in advance of the scheduled date.

There is no charge for singing parties. Small snacks to share would be appreciated, but are optional.

Interested folks should contact our sing coordinator (Don MacLeod – phone/text 617-283-8532) for singing party dates, locations and other pertinent information. Also contact Don if you would like to host in the future. Keep an eye on this web page for updates as music parties occasionally get rescheduled or cancelled.

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